
Welcome to my blog. I'm excited to share with all of you paleo inspired family friendly EASY recipes and wellness tips. Have a nice stay, and join me again soon!

Roasted Butternut Squash and Root Veggie Soup

Roasted Butternut Squash and Root Veggie Soup

I'm sure I'm not the only one that is feeling the stress of Thanksgiving coming up. I usually I already have my menu planned out, but this year has just been SO busy. My husband is currently attending Jump master school which for anyone who is not military that is an Army school. So he has been working much later than normal. Along with a 15 month old baby who is now into everything, and 3 other kids  it makes for busy days with minimal time to spend on other things. I'm writing up this blog post as we speak in the car while my oldest son is in gymnastics class. I am lucky to have my parents in town visiting so the other kids can stay with them!! Since I don't have a babysitter I try and squeeze an any free time to work on my blog.

So back to Thanksgiving. If you still don't have everything on your menu this fall; butternut squash and roasted root vegetable soup would definitely make a perfect side dish. It uses in-season ingredients, is easy to prepare, and you can make this a day or two ahead of time! I constantly make my own bone broth because it is such a superfood. I recommend making your own broth for this recipe because it makes the flavor so much better plus adds additional nutrition. I'll post a bone broth recipe soon, but it is seriously super easy. I make mine in my crock pot. I throw in water, leftover bones from a chicken, chicken feet if you have any, a little apple cider vinegar, sea salt, onion, and  garlic cloves. You can then add additional items to enhance flavor such as fresh celery, parsley or carrots. then all you have to do it set it to cook for 24 hours!! However, if you don't want to make your own broth you can always pick up a good brand at the store. Please just read the ingredients because many brands such as Swanson contain hidden additives such as gluten, corn, or artificial flavors.  I hope you all will enjoy this warm comforting soup. And, like always this will make a large quantity of soup because I have a large family and also like to have leftovers. You can always half the recipe or just freeze whatever you don't use. 

Servings: 9-10 cups


  • 4 Cups Butternut Squash cut into small cubed sized pieces
  • 4-5 cups Chicken Bone Broth homemade or store bought 
  • 2 Parsnips cut into 1/2 inch slices
  • 2 Carrots cut into 1/2 inch slices
  • 1/2 Sweet Yellow Onion sliced
  • 2 TBSP Grass Fed Ghee melted


  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or grease your sheet with ghee
  3. Cut up all your squash and root vegetables and spread them out evenly on your baking sheet.
  4. Melt the ghee then pour over the squash and vegetables. Toss them to make sure ghee is dispersed. 
  5. Put your baking sheet in the oven with your veggies and roast 45min-1hr until the squash and veggies are tender and beginning to brown slightly.
  6. When vegetables are done remove them and let them cool for about 10 min.
  7. After they are done cooling add your roasted vegetables to a blender along with your broth and blend until everything is blended into a creamy mixture.
  8. To serve, warm your soup up on the stove on low heat until heated through.

** Adding 4 cups of broth will make a very thick creamy soup. 5 cups of broth will make the soup less thick. Feel free to play around with your desired thickness by adding more or less broth**


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