
Welcome to my blog. I'm excited to share with all of you paleo inspired family friendly EASY recipes and wellness tips. Have a nice stay, and join me again soon!

Super-Boosted Golden Milk

Super-Boosted Golden Milk

For a few years now I've been loving adaptogens and incorporating other herbs and superfoods into my day as I heal my adrenals and as added support for mom life in general. Herbal tonics, drinks and elixirs are some of the easiest ways to incorporate these magical body supporting herbs and mushrooms into your diet. I feel like when  you become a mom no matter how much you prioritize sleep and try to decrease your stressors you will always be lacking sleep for years of a time (especially new mommas) and deal with lots of stress on an everyday basis. It's just part of mom life and in today's world with lack of community and support and often times away from family we have added stress as moms and parents in  general. This is why I love incorporating immune boosting herbs like Turmeric that help my immune system and inflammation and other herbs and adaptogens because I feel they truly do help my body not get sick as often and support all my hormones  from completely crashing. 

Golden Milk has been a beverage that has gotten a lot of hype lately much like Matcha has but I have been drinking both Matcha and Golden Milk for years now before all of the hype due to my research and loving how both drinks taste!! Turmeric which is the main superfood herb in Golden Milk has amazing properties. It is shown to have strong anti-infammatory properties so will help with any type of pain or inflammation. There is also research that turmeric has cancer fighting properties and it overall boosts your immune system. So getting in Turmeric daily is going to be beneficial. Turmeric is highly used in India and Ayurvedic medicine as well because of its amazing properties. 

So I decided to come up with a recipe that can be enjoyed both warm and cold and I added a boost of Collagen for some protein and gut support and gelatinized Maca for hormone support. I use Gaia Herb Powder Mix which I LOVE and it has added Ashwaghanda which is an adaptogen  amazing for stress and supporting the adrenals. You can buy the mix at any Whole Foods, Sprouts, Natural Grocers and most other health food groceries. I like to get mine on Thrive Market which seems to be the best price!  If you are Vegan you can always leave out the Collagen and sub out the Honey for Maple Syrup! 


Servings: 4


  • 4 Cups Filtered Water
  • 3 TBSP Coconut Butter
  • 2 TBSP Gaia Herbs Golden Powder (If you don't want to use mix  sub 1.5 TBSP Turmeric, 1/4 tsp Black Pepper and 1/4 tsp Cinnamon) 
  • 1 TBSP Raw Honey ( Maple Syrup for vegan friendly option)
  • pinch of Sea Salt
  • 2 Scoops Grass-fed Collagen ( omit for vegan)
  • 1 tsp Maca Powder ( Optional)If you do add Maca preferably use gelatinized as it is easier to digest)


  1. Add water to high speed blender then add all remaining ingredients EXCEPT Collagen.
  2. Blend on high for about 1 minute then add Collagen Powder and blend for another 20 seconds. Everything should be completely blended.
  3. Add Mixture to a container and store in fridge for up to 5 days.

**Make sure to shake the mixture before drinking as some of the ingredients will settle to the bottom. You can drink this as a cold beverage or warm it up for a nice warming drink that can be enjoyed first thing in the morning or in the evening** 

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